What We Do

Baby & Toddler Sensory Club

The Baby & Toddler Sensory Club is available every Friday 10am-12pm *term time only

  • meet other parents

  • imaginations will run wild in the sensory play

  • free tea/coffee

  • free children’s snacks

  • baby changing area

  • wheelchair/pushchair access

  • arts & crafts

  • song time

  • story time

  • explore the soft play

  • local to tram & bus routes

  • build social skills

  • meet new friends

  • keep babies entertained

  • have fun

  • qualified staff

  • DBS secure

Express Yourself Holiday Activities Club

This club is an all inclusive experience, welcoming children and young people of all abilities (SEND). They will take part in a variety of activities including arts & crafts, team building games, cooking, mixed sports, lego therapy/wellbeing-fun, drama, movies and trips. The group will support children and young people to develop social skills, improve confidence and self esteem.

Sessions will run from 10am – 2pm for children and young people ages 5 – 18 years old. There are *limited funded places for Nottinghamshire children and young people who are entitled to free school meals and for SEND children and young people*

If you have any questions please email – selina@lookinside.org.uk

Sensory Play

A calm sensory environment; DVD projection, bubble tube, interactive light panel, fibre optic curtain, interactive floor and light projection, for relaxation.

Suitable for children/young people aged 0-25, especially children/young people with; behavioural needs, learning needs and physical difficulties
Sensory slots can be booked during the week for groups of students, service users or patients who would benefit from a calming sensory space in the community.

Sleep Tight

Support from qualified sleep practitioners for paediatric sleep through one to one sleep support. Sleep management programmes for families are available for children and young people aged 6 months – 16 years old.

Telephone/skype/zoom consultations, which may be useful for one off advice, guidance and reviews.

Workshops for families to understand the science of sleep, sleep hygiene and safe sleep practices.

Referral can be made via our online forms and sessions are individualised to suit the needs of the child/children and family.

Building Blocks: Lego Club

Building Blocks: Lego Club *term time only

Lego-based therapy (LeGoff et al 2014) is an evidence based approach that aims to develop social communication skills in children, such as sharing, turn-taking, following rules, using names and problem-solving.

Positive outcomes:

  • Significant development of listening skills, turn taking, joint attention, resilience, patience, perseverance and problem solving

  • A greater awareness of social expectations.

  • Development of a team approach to problem solving, using mainly the strategy of turn taking.

  • Increased self-esteem in majority of children.

  • Improvements in the flexibility of language used.

  • Behaviour that indicated an increased awareness of the feelings of others.

Child Intervention Based on Theraplay® Principles

Child Intervention Based on Theraplay® Principles to create a sense of value, safety, radical acceptance, connectedness, social regulation, music, play and engagement on multiple levels.

1) Group Theraplay® Approach
2) Sunshine Circles Approach
3) Nurture Group Approach

Great tool for; Families, siblings & peers.

Minimum of x8 week blocks (1 session per week).

Parenting Classes

1:1 or group support for parents who are having difficulties with children of all ages from newborns to teenagers. ‘I’m a Parent Get me Outta Here’ online groups and face to face groups now available.

Respite Care

1:1 or group respite in our sensory centre; children are linked with the appropriate Look Inside Link worker for their session.

Arts & Crafts

(included in sensory play)
Free play for children aged 1-11years, including; sand, water, drawing and painting planned by play workers.

Making Moves - Makaton Sign For Families

Friday 10am – 11am *school holiday time only

  • Makaton Signs

  • Childrens’ Rhymes

  • Parents / Carers and Children

  • Trained Makaton facilitators

  • Music, fun and games

  • Drinks and Snacks

BRIDGE Project

‘Believe, Relate, Improve, Dedication, Goals, Empower’

This Bridge Project targets year 9, 10 & 11 students through an individualised programme to meet their needs holistically. The Bridge Project is a breakthrough programme that intervenes early to ensure that young people with disabilities/behavioural and additional needs make a successful transition from school to work, further education or training; where young people are at risk of not making a successful transition from school to further education, training or employment.

We provide young people with information, support and high quality one-to-one coaching, group interventions and valued post-16 career opportunities and ultimately a successful and sustainable pathway into employment and adulthood. Young people will be supported through the project for a minimum of 6 weeks, between ages 14-18 years old. Due to disabilities, this does not exclude those young people eligible, which are still in full time education up to the age of 25 years old.

The Bridge Project will include; direct work with vulnerable and challenging young people, ideally in school environments, alternative provisions or at our local office base near the Nottingham City Centre.

Activities include:
1:1 coaching, group workshops, SEAL, managing money, basic life skills, intensive self-esteem workshops with a qualified counsellor, application skills/interview skills.

The outcomes are:

  • Personal; improvements to emotional and mental wellbeing

  • Social; peer interaction, improved communication skills, team work skills

  • Economical; Basic life skills, job opportunities, entry into further education or training and promotion of independence

Short Break Services

This service is for children & young people with a disability who are unable to access universal services. It is categorised as Flexible Short Breaks or Targeted Short Breaks.

Baby Massage

Baby massage is a lovely way to enjoy time with your baby and it can also help you bond with them.

Before babies are able to understand language, we often communicate and comfort them through touch. If a baby cries, for example, parents will hold, cuddle or stroke them. Baby massage is part of this natural impulse.

Baby massage is the gentle, rhythmic stroking of your baby’s body using your hands. As part of a massage routine, you might gently manipulate your baby’s ankles, wrists and fingers.

Baby massage was introduced about 30 years ago in neonatal wards to support the development of premature babies in intensive care units. A study in 2004 found that babies in intensive care units who were massaged spent less time in hospital, had slightly better scores on developmental tests and slightly fewer postnatal complications.

Today, there is widespread belief that baby massage can increase a parent’s awareness of their baby’s needs and support their early bond, as well as improve their sense of well-being if they are suffering with postnatal depression or other mental health issues. The evidence is inconclusive on these points but parents do say they find baby massage a lovely way of bonding with their baby.

Book now using our online referral form. Download our Baby Passage Policy.